Tune Talk and Qualcomm于2013年4月10日携手合作,在Grand Dorsett
Hotel, Subang Jaya, Malaysia进行签约及发布仪式。

Qualcomm是半导体界发展最为迅速的公司之一,而Ninetology和Tune Talk则是本地通信科技的佼佼者。
这次的战略联盟签约仪式是由Sean Ng Chee
Heng先生 (Ninetology行政总裁)、 Jason Lo先生 (Tune Talk行政总裁) 和 Mantosh
Malhorta先生 (Qualcomm-菲律宾、新加坡和大马业务发展部高级总监)三位重量级人物代表签约。
Ninetology,Tune Talk和Qualcomm Incorporated的代表都各别分享他们的合作联盟事项还有未来的发展,当中的致词者还包括来自Qualcomm Incorporated的Goh Thih Liang先生(业务发展部经理)。
Pearl Mini使用Qualcomm Snapdragon处理器(零售价RM399),大众可以购买手机搭配Tune Talk的预付配套。
Pearl Mini使用Qualcomm Snapdragon处理器(零售价RM399),大众可以购买手机搭配Tune Talk的预付配套。
预付配套搭配RM50免费通话还有RM100的通话回扣(RM10 x 10),若要得到RM100通话回扣,只需每月加额RM20或以上即可。
值得称赞的是,当晚的企业家也不忘行善,Ninetology分别捐出RM50,000的支票予Yayasan Bakti Khidmat Masyarakat Malaysia
(YBKMM)、RM30,000予马来西亚慈济基金会和RM10,000予Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah
此外,由Xballerto主办,Ninetology协办的篮球赛Ninetology 2013全星赛于2013年5月开跑,此比赛将进行6个月,即11月才结束。
About Ninetology Marketing Sdn Bhd
Founded in August 2012, Ninetology Marketing Sdn Bhd is an ASEAN mobile device
technology company; strongly driven by people’s pride and importance of being
on par with global technology progression and renowned international standards.
Ninetology had proven its capabilities when the brand had emerged tremendously
and had earned a significant market share in Malaysia’s mobile device industry.
Ninetology’s objective is to transform the way of traditional communication
into the revolutionary era of smart phones. This prominent transition will
assure enhancement of people quality with enhanced intelligence.
Ninetology had
just recently been launched in Indonesia last September and shall continue its
progression to other ASEAN countries.

About Tune Talk
Tune Talk is the fastest-growing Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in
Asia, officially
launching commercial services in Malaysia in 2009.
Our target is to provide
super low rates and exciting incentives to the market. Our prepaid service offers voice, SMS and
data packagesthat meet the demands for a simple, value-for-money product with
easy accessibility anda wide distribution reach.
As a member of the Tune Group
of companies, we have theadvantage of providing a completely unique lifestyle
service with offers by Tune Money, Tune Hotels, Tune Insrance, BIG Loyalty
Programme and AirAsia. For more information, please visit
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